import copy
from .base import TrainingCallback, CallbackException
[docs]class EarlyStopping(TrainingCallback):
The early stopping callback watches a specified metric and interrupts training if the metric
does not decrease for a specified number of epochs.
[docs] def __init__(self, metric='val_loss', patience=5, restore_best=False, minimize=True):
Initializes a new early stopping callback.
metric: str or list of str, default: 'val_loss'
The metric to watch during training. If a list is given, the sum of the given metrics
is considered.
patience: int, default: 5
The number of epochs that training still continues although the watched metric is
greater than its smallest value during training.
restore_best: bool, default: False
Whether the model's parameter should be set to the parameters which showed the best
performance in terms of the watched metric.
minimize: bool, default: True
Whether to minimize or maximize the given metric.
self.patience = patience
self.epoch = None
self.counter = None
self.best_metric = None
self.model = None
self.state_dict = None
self.restore_best = restore_best
self.metric = metric
self.minimize = minimize
def before_training(self, model, num_epochs):
self.model = model
if self.restore_best:
self.state_dict = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())
self.epoch = 0
self.counter = 0
self.best_metric = float('inf') if self.minimize else -float('inf')
def after_epoch(self, metrics):
prev_epoch = self.epoch
self.epoch += 1
is_better = self._is_metric_better(metrics)
except KeyError:
if prev_epoch > 0:
# In this case, we can ignore the key error and just skip -- the engine does not
# perform evaluation on every iteration
if is_better:
if self.restore_best:
self.state_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict())
self.counter = 0
self.best_metric = self._current_metric(metrics)
self.counter += 1
if self.counter == self.patience:
raise CallbackException(
f"Early stopping after epoch {self.epoch} (patience {self.patience}).",
def after_training(self):
if self.restore_best and self.counter > 0:
def _is_metric_better(self, metrics):
if self.minimize:
return self._current_metric(metrics) < self.best_metric
return self._current_metric(metrics) > self.best_metric
def _current_metric(self, metrics):
if isinstance(self.metric, list):
return sum(metrics[m] for m in self.metric)
return metrics[self.metric]