Source code for pyblaze.nn.engine.base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.cuda as cuda
from pyblaze.nn.callbacks import TrainingCallback, PredictionCallback, CallbackException, \
import pyblaze.nn.utils as xnnu
from pyblaze.utils.torch import gpu_device, to_device
from ._history import History
from ._utils import forward

[docs]class Engine(TrainingCallback, PredictionCallback, ABC): """ A base class for training and evaluating models as well as making predictions. Generally, this class should be seen as _binding_ between a model and some data. Models should always be wrapped in an engine, both when being trained, and when performing inference/evaluation. The engine ensures that the model's environment is correct and prevents plenty of pitfalls. A concrete implementation of this class is tailored to a specific type of data (e.g. independent, identically distributed data samples) and/or model types (e.g. GANs). """ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ENGINE CONFIGURATION
[docs] def supports_multiple_gpus(self): """ Returns whether the engine allows multiple GPUs to be used during training. By default, it returns `True`. Returns ------- bool Whether multiple GPUs are allowed. """ return True
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INITIALIZATION
[docs] def __init__(self, model): """ Initializes a new engine for a specified model. Parameters ---------- model: torch.nn.Module The model to train or evaluate. """ self.model = model self.device = None self._cache = {} self._iteration = None
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TRAINING # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
[docs] def train(self, train_data, val_data=None, epochs=20, val_iterations=None, eval_every=None, eval_train=False, eval_val=True, callbacks=None, metrics=None, gpu='auto', **kwargs): r""" Method for training the model with the supplied parameters. Parameters ---------- train_data: A data loader to obtain training data from. The samples yielded by the data loader depend on a specific engine implementation. val_data:, default: None A data loader to use for validation. If the loader is an infinite data loader, `val_iterations` must also be given. If not supplied, no validation will be performed. epochs: int, default: 20 The number of epochs to train for. If the given data is an infinite data loader, this value defines the number of iterations (and should most probably be increased). val_iterations: int, default: None The number of iterations to perform for validation. Must be given only if `val_data` is an infinite data loader. Otherwise, the parameter is ignored. eval_every: int, default: None How many iterations should pass until validation is called again. If this is set when `train_data` is an iterable dataset, then it defines the number of iterations per epoch (i.e. before performing validation again). Otherwise, it defines the number of epochs to train before calling validation. eval_train: bool, default: False Whether to compute metrics (apart from the loss) for both the validation and the train data. If this flag is set to False, metrics will only be computed for the validation data. eval_val: bool, default: True Whether to compute the loss (apart from the metrics) for the validation data. If this flag is set to `False`, no validation loss will be computed. callbacks: list of (pyblaze.nn.TrainingCallback or pyblaze.nn.PredictionCallback), default: [] The callbacks to use for training and inference. The training callbacks and prediction callbacks will be filtered automatically. metrics: dict of str -> func, default: {} Metrics to compute during evaluation for the validation data (and potentially for the training data). The keys for the metrics define their name. gpu: str or bool or int or list of int, default: 'auto' Governs, whether training and evaluation should be performed on a GPU. If set to True, the first GPU is selected. If set to an integer, the GPU with the specified index is used. If set to a list of integers, the specified GPUs are used to train and evaluate the model und multiple GPUs simultaneously. In this case, the batch sizes of the data loaders should be adjusted accordingly. If set to a string, the only valid value is 'auto'. In this case, all available GPUs are used. kwargs: keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments dependent on the specific subclass. If prefixed with 'eval\_', it will be passed to :meth:`eval_batch` (without the prefix), otherwise to :meth:`train_batch`. All keyword arguments may also be given as `ParameterScheduler` to enable dynamic changes in parameters. Note that the scheduler can also be used to alter values for 'eval\_' keywords. However, they do so following the same schedule as the training keywords. In any case, consult the engine's documentation if the parameter allows dynamic behavior. Semantically, it might not make sense to do. Returns ------- pyblaze.nn.History A history object summarizing stats from the training. """ if metrics is None: metrics = {} if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] # 1) Setup try: batch_iterations = len(train_data) iterable_data = False except: # pylint: disable=bare-except batch_iterations = eval_every iterable_data = True exception = None if iterable_data and eval_every is not None: # Here, epochs are considered iterations epochs = epochs // eval_every # 1.1) Callbacks history = History() # Prepend the engine's callbacks to the passed callbacks callbacks = [history] + callbacks # Also, add the callbacks that are extracted from the keyword arguments callbacks += [v for _, v in kwargs.items() if isinstance(v, TrainingCallback)] # Then, we can extract the callbacks for training and prediction train_callbacks = [c for c in callbacks if isinstance(c, TrainingCallback)] prediction_callbacks = [c for c in callbacks if isinstance(c, PredictionCallback)] self._exec_callbacks(train_callbacks, 'before_training', self.model, epochs) # 1.2) Metrics if eval_val and 'loss' in kwargs: val_metrics = {**metrics, **{'loss': kwargs['loss']}} else: val_metrics = metrics # 1.3) Data loading if iterable_data: train_iterator = iter(train_data) # 1.4) GPU support gpu = self._gpu_descriptor(gpu) self._setup_device(gpu) # 1.5) Valid kwargs train_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('eval_')} dynamic_train_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in train_kwargs.items() if isinstance(v, ValueTrainingCallback) } eval_kwargs = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith('eval_')} dynamic_eval_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in eval_kwargs.items() if isinstance(v, ValueTrainingCallback) } # 2) Train for number of epochs for current_epoch in range(epochs): # 2.1) Prepare try: self._exec_callbacks( train_callbacks, 'before_epoch', current_epoch, batch_iterations ) except CallbackException as e: exception = e break # 2.2) Train self.model.train() batch_losses = [] if not iterable_data: train_iterator = iter(train_data) for _ in range(batch_iterations): train_kwargs = { **train_kwargs, **{k: for k, v in dynamic_train_kwargs.items()} } item = next(train_iterator) item = self.to_device(self.device, item) loss = self.train_batch(item, **train_kwargs) batch_losses.append(loss) self._exec_callbacks(train_callbacks, 'after_batch', _strip_metrics(loss)) # 2.3) Validate epoch_metrics = self.collate_losses(batch_losses) eval_kwargs = { **eval_kwargs, **{k: for k, v in dynamic_eval_kwargs.items()} } do_val = eval_every is None or iterable_data or \ current_epoch % eval_every == 0 or current_epoch == epochs - 1 if val_data is not None and do_val: eval_metrics = self.evaluate( val_data, iterations=val_iterations, metrics=val_metrics, callbacks=prediction_callbacks, gpu=None, **eval_kwargs ) epoch_metrics = { **epoch_metrics, **{f'val_{k}': v for k, v in eval_metrics.items()} } if eval_train and do_val: eval_metrics = self.evaluate( train_data, iterations=val_iterations, metrics=metrics, callbacks=prediction_callbacks, gpu=None, **eval_kwargs ) epoch_metrics = { **epoch_metrics, **{f'train_{k}': v for k, v in eval_metrics.items()} } # 2.4) Finish epoch try: self._exec_callbacks(train_callbacks, 'after_epoch', epoch_metrics) except CallbackException as e: exception = e break # 3) Finish training # 3.1) If GPU used if gpu is not None:'cpu', non_blocking=True) self.device = None # 3.2) Finish callbacks self._exec_callbacks(train_callbacks, 'after_training') if exception is not None: if isinstance(exception, CallbackException): exception.print() else: print(exception) return history
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVALUATION
[docs] def evaluate(self, data, iterations=None, metrics=None, callbacks=None, gpu='auto', **kwargs): """ Evaluates the model on the given data and computes the supplied metrics. Parameters ---------- data: torch.DataLoader A data loader to obtain evaluation samples from. The expected samples depend on a specific engine subclass. iterations: int, default: None The number of samples used for evaluating if the given data is an infinite data loader. metrics: dict of str -> func, default: {} The metrics to evaluate the model for. The keys define the names of the metrics when retrieving the evaluated result from the return parameter. callbacks: list of pyblaze.nn.PredictionCallback, default: [] Callbacks to use while computing predictions. Usually, they are used for logging. gpu: str or bool or int or list of int, default: False Governs, whether training and evaluation should be performed on a GPU. If set to True, the GPU with the most amount of free memory is selected (if there are multiple GPUs). If set to an integer, the GPU with the specified index is used. If set to a list of integers, the specified GPUs are used to train and evaluate the model und multiple GPUs simultaneously. In this case, the batch sizes of the data loaders should be adjusted accordingly. If set to 'auto', all available GPUs are used. In case of `None`, the model will not be moved. Only use this option if you know what you are doing. kwargs: keyword arguments Additional arguments, passed directly to the `eval_batch` method. Returns ------- An evaluation object, yielding as properties the metrics with their specified names. """ if metrics is None: metrics = {} if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] # Setup num_predictions = iterations or len(data) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'before_predictions', self.model, num_predictions) # Ensure GPU if gpu is not None: gpu = self._gpu_descriptor(gpu) self._setup_device(gpu) # Run inference self.model.eval() evals = [] iterator = iter(data) for _ in range(num_predictions): item = next(iterator) item = self.to_device(self.device, item) with torch.no_grad(): eval_out = self.eval_batch(item, **kwargs) evals.append(self.to_device('cpu', eval_out)) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'after_batch', None) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'after_predictions') evals = self.collate_evals(evals) if gpu is not None:'cpu', non_blocking=True) self.device = None return { key: self._process_metric(forward(metric, evals)) for key, metric in metrics.items() }
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PREDICTIONS
[docs] def predict(self, data, iterations=None, callbacks=None, gpu='auto', **kwargs): """ Computes predictions for the given samples. Parameters ---------- data: torch.DataLoader The data loader from which to obtain items for prediction. Note that in most cases it is desirable that the data loader does *not* shuffle items as predictions may then be out-of-order. iterations: int, default: None The (maximum) number of samples used for evaluating if the given data is an iterable dataset. callbacks: list of pyblaze.nn.PredictionCallback Callbacks which are called as prediction progresses. gpu: str or bool or int or list of int, default: 'auto' Whether to use a (specific) GPU or multiple GPUs. If multiple GPUs are used, one process per GPU is started to minimize synchronization overhead. Make sure that using multiple GPUs makes up for this overhead. If `False` is specified, all cores of the computer are used to make predictions in parallel. In the case of 'auto', all available GPUs are used (if any). kwargs: keyword arguments Additional arguments passed directly to the `predict_batch` function. Returns ------- object The predictions made by the model as collated by `collate_predictions`. """ if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] # 1) Set gpu if all is specified gpu = self._gpu_descriptor(gpu) # 2) Setup data loading num_iterations = iterations or len(data) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'before_predictions', self.model, num_iterations) # 3) Make sure that the model is not data parallel, we don't need this for predicting if isinstance(self.model, nn.DataParallel): model = self.model.module else: model = self.model # 4) Now perform predictions sequentially device = gpu_device(gpu[0] if isinstance(gpu, list) else gpu) model = predictions = [] iterator = iter(data) for _ in range(num_iterations): x = next(iterator) x = self.to_device(device, x) with torch.no_grad(): out = self.predict_batch(x, **kwargs) out = self.to_device('cpu', out) predictions.append(out) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'after_batch', None) self._exec_callbacks(callbacks, 'after_predictions') return self.collate_predictions(predictions)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BATCH PROCESSING
[docs] @abstractmethod def train_batch(self, data, **kwargs): """ Runs a single step in training. If the training data represents an infinite dataset, this equals a single iteration, otherwise a mini-batch. Parameters ---------- data: object The data for the current iteration/mini-batch. Returns ------- object The loss computed for the batch. If the returned value is not float, overwrite :meth:`collate_losses`. If you return a dict here, all keys prefixed with an underscore will not be passed to any callbacks but only be available in the :meth:`collate_losses` method. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_batch(self, data, **kwargs): """ Runs a single step for inference. The data is either a mini-batch or a single iteration, depending on the data used for evaluation. Parameters ---------- data: object The data for the current iteration/mini-batch. kwargs: keyword arguments Additional arguments dependent on the subclass and passed directly from the evaluation method. Returns ------- object The model output and possibly some correct target. If this is not a :code:`torch.Tensor`, the :meth:`collate_evals`. """
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def predict_batch(self, data, **kwargs): """ Processes a single batch of inputs to make model predictions. The default implementation runs the given data through the model and does not perform any further actions. The outputs of this function will be collected for every batch and passed to the `collate_predictions` function. Note ---- When using the `predict` function, this method is called within a `torch.no_grad()` block. Parameters ---------- data: object The batch as sampled from the data loader. Returns ------- object The return value passed to `collate_predictions`. """ return forward(self.model, data)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COLLATION FUNCTIONS
[docs] def collate_losses(self, losses): """ Combines the losses obtained from the :meth:`train_batch` method. The default implementation assumes that simple floats are returned. Overwriting this method might be useful if you have different types of losses, such as generator and critic loss when training Wasserstein GANs. Note ---- Overwrite this function if it is important to weigh losses obtained from batches in some manner (e.g. if data batches have different size). Parameters ---------- losses: list of object The losses returned from `train_batch`. Returns ------- dict of str -> object The loss names mapped to their values (usually float values). """ ref = losses[0] if isinstance(ref, dict): result = defaultdict(list) for item in losses: for k, v in item.items(): result[k].append(v) return {k: sum(v) / len(v) for k, v in result.items()} if isinstance(ref, (list, tuple)): result = [[] for _ in len(ref)] for item in losses: for i, it in enumerate(item): result[i].append(it) return {f'loss_{i}': sum(r) / len(r) for i, r in enumerate(result)} return {'loss': sum(losses) / len(losses)}
[docs] def collate_evals(self, evals): """ Combines the evaluation objects returned from the :meth:`eval_batch` method. The default implementation works whenever the returned objects are tensors, tuples of tensors or dictionaries of tensors. The contents will then simply be concatenated. Parameters ---------- evals: list of objects The evaluation objects. Returns ------- object An object that is passed to all metrics. If a tuple or a dict, they are passed as variadic arguments or keyword arguments, respectively. """ return self._collate(evals)
[docs] def collate_predictions(self, predictions): """ Combines the predictions obtained for multiple batches as per the :meth:`predict_batch` method. The default implementation works whenever the returned objects are tensors, tuples of tensors or dictionaries of tensors. The contents will then simply be concatenated. Parameters ---------- predictions: list of objects The predictions obtained. Returns ------- object An object that is obtained from the predictions. """ return self._collate(predictions)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OVERRIDABLE UTILITY FUNCTIONS
[docs] def to_device(self, device, item): """ This method moves the given item to the provided device. The default implementation allows for Tensors as well as dicts, lists and tuples of tensors (they may be nested). If you require passing custom datatypes to a device as you feed them to your model or your model outputs them, you may overwrite this method. Parameters ---------- device: torch.Device or str The device onto which the given item should be moved. May either be an actual device object (such as a GPU) or a string identifying the device (e.g. 'cpu' or 'cuda:0'). item: object The item to move. Returns ------- object The item moved to the given device. """ return to_device(device, item)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTILITY FUNCTIONS def _gpu_descriptor(self, gpu): if gpu == 'auto': if cuda.device_count() == 0: return False if self.supports_multiple_gpus(): return list(range(cuda.device_count())) return True return gpu def _setup_device(self, gpu): if isinstance(gpu, list) and len(gpu) > 1: self.model = xnnu.DataParallel(self.model, device_ids=gpu) self.device = gpu_device(gpu[0]) else: self.device = gpu_device(gpu[0] if isinstance(gpu, list) else gpu) def _exec_callbacks(self, callbacks, func, *args): for callback in [self] + callbacks: getattr(callback, func)(*args) def _collate(self, items): ref = items[0] if isinstance(ref, dict): return {key:[v[key] for v in items]) for key in ref.keys()} # recursive call of _collate for a more generic functionality if isinstance(ref, (list, tuple)): return tuple(self._collate([v[i] for v in items]) for i in range(len(ref))) return def _process_metric(self, metric): if isinstance(metric, torch.Tensor): if metric.numel() == 1: return metric.item() return metric return metric
def _strip_metrics(metrics): # If `metrics` is a dict, we remove all keys starting with an underscore if isinstance(metrics, dict): return {k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if not k.startswith('_')} return metrics def _prediction_worker_init(rank, gpu, model): if isinstance(gpu, list): device = gpu_device(gpu[rank]) else: device = gpu_device(gpu) return device