import torch
from .base import Engine
from ._utils import forward
[docs]class WGANEngine(Engine):
Engine to be used for training a Wasserstein GAN. It enables training the critic for multiple
iterations as well as skipping the training of the generator for specific iterations.
The GAN must be supplied as a single model with :code:`generator` and :code:`critic` attributes.
The output of the generator must be feedable directly to the :meth:`forward` method of the
critic. The supplied combined model does therefore not necessarily need to implement a
:meth:`forward` method.
The engine requires data to be available in the following format:
noise: list of object
List of n + 1 noise inputs for the generator (batch size N, noise dimension D). When
performing predictions, there is no need to pass a list.
real: list of object
List of n real inputs for the critic. Shape depends on the task at hand. When performing
predictions, this value must not be given.
The :meth:`train` method allows for the following keyword arguments:
generator_optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer
The optimizer to use for the generator model.
critic_optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer
The optimizer to use for the critic model.
generator_loss: torch.nn.Module
The loss to use for the generator. Receives a tuple of the critic's outputs for fake and
real data :code:`(fake_out, real_out)` (both values of type `torch.Tensor [N]` for batch
size N) and ought to return a single `torch.Tensor [1]`, the loss. Consider using
critic_loss: torch.nn.Module
The loss to use for the critic. Receives a 4-tuple of the critic's outputs for fake and real
data as well as the the inputs to the critic :code:`(fake_out, real_out, fake_in, real_in)`
(the first two values are of type `torch.Tensor [N]`, the second two values of type
`object` depending on the data). It ought to return a tuple of
`(torch.Tensor [1], torch.Tensor [1])` where only the first value requires a gradient, the
actual loss. The second value ought to provide an estimation of the earth mover's distance
(i.e. the negative loss when not penalizing gradients). Consider using
critic_iterations: int, default: 3
The number of iterations to train the critic for every iteration the generator is trained.
A higher value ensures that the critic is trained to optimality and provides better
gradients to the generator. However, it slows down training.
skip_generator: bool, default: False
Whether to skip optimizing the generator. Usually, you would want to alter this value
during training via some callback. This way, you can ensure that the critic is trained to
optimality at specific milestones.
clip_weights: tuple of (float, float), default: None
When this value is given, all weights of the generator are clamped into the given range
after every step of the optimizer. While this ensures Lipschitz-continuity, using different
means of regularization should be preferred.
kwargs: keyword arguments
Additional keyword arguments. If they start with 'generator\_', they will be passed only to
the generator, the same applies to keywords starting with 'critic\_'. When passed to the
model, the prefixes are dropped.
Calling :meth:`evaluate` on this engine is not possible as there is no principled way to
evaluate generator performance for an arbitrary generator. Subclass this engine to add the
possibility for evaluation.
[docs] def __init__(self, model, expects_data_target=False):
Initializes a new engine for training a WGAN.
model: torch.nn.Module
The WGAN to train.
expects_data_target: bool, default: False
When this value is set to `True`, the real data instances passed to this engine are
expected to yield class labels. These are simply discarded.
self.expects_data_target = expects_data_target
def train_batch(self, data,
generator_optimizer=None, critic_optimizer=None,
generator_loss=None, critic_loss=None,
critic_iterations=3, skip_generator=False, clip_weights=None, **kwargs):
generator_kwargs, critic_kwargs = self._get_kwargs(**kwargs)
noise, real = data
summary = {}
# Train the generator
if not skip_generator:
fake = forward(self.model.generator, noise[0], **generator_kwargs)
c_fake = forward(self.model.critic, fake, **critic_kwargs)
loss = generator_loss(c_fake)
summary['loss_generator'] = loss.item()
# Train the critic for multiple iterations
critic_losses = []
em_distances = []
for i in range(critic_iterations):
real_instance = self._get_real(real[i])
with torch.no_grad():
fake = forward(self.model.generator, noise[i+1], **generator_kwargs)
c_fake = forward(self.model.critic, fake, **critic_kwargs)
c_real = forward(self.model.critic, real_instance, **critic_kwargs)
loss, em_distance = critic_loss(c_fake, c_real, fake, real_instance)
# Clip weights if required
if clip_weights is not None:
with torch.no_grad():
for param in self.model.critic.parameters():
summary['loss_critic'] = sum(critic_losses) / len(critic_losses)
summary['em_distance'] = sum(em_distances) / len(em_distances)
return summary
def eval_batch(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError("Evaluation is not available for arbitrary GANs")
[docs] def predict_batch(self, noise):
return self.model.generator(noise)
def _get_real(self, real):
if self.expects_data_target:
return real[0]
return real
def _get_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
generator_kwargs = {
k[10:] if k.startswith('generator_') else k: v
for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('critic_')
critic_kwargs = {
k[7:] if k.startswith('critic_') else k: v
for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('generator_')
return generator_kwargs, critic_kwargs